After our Grandma Helen turned ninety, she was still living on her own, but no 1 was comfortable with it.
Everyone thought Grandma Helen needed to be living with 1 of us, or in an assisted living group home.
Helen didn’t agree that she needed to do either 1 of them. The only thing that upset myself and others was that Grandma Helen had the worst arthritis in her fingers. There were some afternoons when she could barely put on her clothes because of the intense pain. I had observed Helen had been losing weight, plus I upset it was because Helen wasn’t eating properly. I said something to mom about her not being able to open up cans, jars, or even the refrigerator some afternoons. I told mom that it may be a smart idea to hook up with senior services plus check into meal delivery services for the elderly. The person mom talked to said they had multiple unusual meal delivery services. They used Meals on Wheels, which delivered most afternoons, but only 1 meal. They also had 2 other local services. The local meal delivery repair cooked up full meals. They pre-packaged 7 full days of meals. There were more than two meals a day, plus even a snack. Most People who acquired this meal delivery service, couldn’t believe they didn’t ever need to buy butter or salt plus pepper. Everything, right down to the napkin plus plastic sporks, was in the box. Meal delivery services for the elderly in our area were far more than every one of us ever imagined. Grandma Helen didn’t complain when every one of us told her about the meal delivery service, plus deeply thanked mom for helping her out.