I thought it would be easy to find someone to maintain the AC in our RV. I truthfully did not realize that it was a specialty. I thought that the AC in the RV was pretty much the same as the AC inside of the house. It turns out that they are a little bit different. Some of the local maintenance shops really maintain rvs. Some of the shops that do require you to bring your RV to the shop. They don’t come out to your home. It was hard for me to find a local AC service professional that would offer all of the services that I needed. When I did, I got good rates too and that made me pretty happy. Not only was she professional, knowledgeable, and friendly, but she also had great prices. I did not have to pay a fee for the girl to come out to the campground, which was about 30 minutes from her address. The maintenance professional knew exactly what was wrong with the cooling system as soon as she took the device apart. She had some parts on the truck to maintain it and then she also put some tape around the ventilation area. She said there was a small hole up there that was letting chilly and cold air inside of the system. The tape would keep the hole from causing any more complications. The girl also cleaned around the inside of the cooling system and got rid of the dust plus dirt. I was totally blown away by the maintenance that I got. I left a good review online for the company.