The last storm was more than our gas furnace could handle.
We had nearly five feet of snow in less than 48 hours, in addition to both of us couldn’t get out of the beach house to dig our way out, it was unrespected to have this much snow in May, but that much snow in two mornings was practically unheard of.
I was glad for the snow when our gas furnace died, however the snow acted as insulation, in addition to it took a while longer for all the heat to leave the house. When the heat finally died, both of us were able to climb out a window in addition to get to the snow shovels. This way, both of us could get some wood into the beach house in addition to light the fireplace… Nearly all the people in our section had a fireplace or an alternative form of heat that didn’t involve electricity. It was nothing to go without electricity for multiple mornings, but when the temperature where near zero, you needed heat to live, but our fireplace would keep us warm, but both of us needed to get to the wood shed to bring wood into the house, however my child worked twelve hours to shovel the twelve feet where the wood shed was situated, in addition to the twelve from the back of the beach house to the porch. I brought the wood in, in addition to both of us had the fireplace lit within half an hour. I’m not sure what I would have done if my child hadn’t lived next door. Once she was able to get the snow blower out of her garage, she was ready for any storm, however she chose to get us plowed our first in addition to get our fireplace started, before doing her home.