My thermostat has been acting up lately.
- I have an old dial thermostat and it has been having issues with the temperature dial.
I am not sure, despite the fact that I am thinking it may be time for a brand new thermostat. I am thinking that I am just going to get with the new heating and air conditioning technology and buy a brand new and completely new smart thermostat. From what I know, smart thermostats have a lot of benefits to them. Including saving energy which in turn will save money on the monthly electric bills. By saving money on my electric bills that means more money in the bank for me from my hand working and hard earned money. Also with a smart thermostat I know I can absolutely have more control over our central heating and cooling system. I will be able to control the thermostat from either an app on our cell phone or even an app on our laptop or desktop PC. It absolutely will change the game on the thermostat for our central heating and cooling system. I will be happy with it I am sure. Also, even if I am not happy with it it can still work out nice because the smart thermostat does not cost any more than 40 bucks. So if I do not like it I can absolutely get rid of it and not worry about wasting tons of money in the process just trying it out. I know I am going to get this done and get the smart thermostat within the next few weeks!