I could not believe my eyes when I pulled out my old portable space heating system and found out that it still truly works! This portable space heating system is nothing like the kind of portable space heating system you are thinking of. You could not walk into any store and buy a portable space heating system like this month because they no longer exist. This is the portable space heating system of the past. The first kind that they had way back when. My friend and I are talking about 40 years ago! It was made of all metal and could literally only heat a small space like a bathroom or a portion of a room, and not love this week’s portable space oil furnaces which are made of heat resistant plastic and have so much power that they can heat an entire room within a matter of hours. And sometimes they even get too hot! But this vintage portable space heating system is way different than that. I decided to pull it out and see if it would work so I could use it in my bathroom like in the olden days when I was a kid growing up. And it looks like I truly can. This saves me a ton of money of having to invest in radiant radiant heated floors I was originally thinking of this until I found this old portable space heating system still working nice as it did back when I was a kid. It kind of makes me wonder if these old portable space oil furnaces are worth anything and if you can even buy them used on ebay or somewhere like that on the internet.