We had been to the same campground every year for the last fifteen years… My friend and I spent numerous weeks in that campground when our teenagers were little, however they were grown now.
My friend and I typically parked in the same area because it was close to the restrooms… The only thing I didn’t like about the campground was that we didn’t have showers or a lot of privacy.
My friend and I pulled into the campground this year, and it shocked me to see a portable shower container. There were three portable shower containers in the center of the campground, and I had to investigate. My spouse told me we should wait until we got unpacked, although I was curious, then i told him it would only take a few minutes, kissed on the cheek and left to investigate. I knocked to make sure no one was inside, then slowly opened the door. There was a toilet right inside the door, and the door locked, however next to the toilet was a shower curtain. It was a small shower behind the curtain, however it was great enough for one man to get clean. I knew this time I was going to cherish my camping trip more than I ever had before. Not only did I have my spouse and our youngest child with me, however there weren’t just restrooms, however a portable shower basket to keep me clean. I would not need to go to bed aromaing of smoke and dead fish, however later that night, my spouse told me he was going to use the restroom before going to bed. Fifteen minutes later, he came back aromaing clean, and told me they were nice portable shower containers.