Good air at a great cost

Getting a good deal is something I like.

I love getting my money’s worth while getting something that works efficiently.

That’s how it is with my car. It’s not much to look at, but it’s very reliable and I’ve gotten my money out of it. It gets such good gas mileage. I feel the same about my HVAC equipment. Where my wife and I live, the most popular system is a heat pump. Winters are mild so we don’t need much heat, but we need all the air conditioning we can get during our long, sticky summers. So, I have always tried to get the best deal and efficiency as I can out of the air conditioner. It gets an inspection in the spring. Having an HVAC professional perform essential work ensures it will perform at its best. From there, it’s up to me. I can’t just set it low and walk away. That’s wasteful for several reasons! I program it to go up in the morning when the temperature is rising and down at night before bedtime, so my family and I have a cool bed to sleep in. It’s not rocket science but it takes a little attention to get the most of the HVAC in the summer. It’s wise to do it in a way that doesn’t cost a lot of money.


HAVC system