We aren’t really sure who is responsible for this, since we were not around when our property was originally being built. But for some reason, all of the HVAC system vents are in the strangest areas that they could possibly be. If you ask us, it just doesn’t make any sense to have an HVAC vent at the doorway of a room where it just blows out into the hallway. That is how all of the HVAC vents in our home are positioned. We don’t get it since the hallway ends up being the recipient of all the HVAC from the air vents. This means that the bedrooms end up being too cold in the Winter time and too tepid in the summer. It’s just a really messed up setup when it comes to the heating and cooling plan in our property. It wasn’t really something that we noticed immediately when we were home hunting, so we did not really address it with the realtor or an Heating & Air Conditioning corporation before we moved in. Now that we have been living here for various weeks though, we’ve begun to realize that it is really an issue. The indoor air conditions at home aren’t exactly what we like or expect. Not only that, we are paying a small fortune in HVAC bills. That’s because we have to keep the heating plan turned up in order to keep the bedrooms warm enough with the cold temperatures that we experience when it snows.