This was not the case at all, because the gas furnace in the cottage was fueled with firewood.
Looking back, I should have come up here in the summer. I chose to book the cottage for the Winter time months, because I thought it would be easier. This place is actually remote, in addition to relies on a gas powered generator for the mediocre amount of power it can withstand. In other words, the place is actually old, as is the wiring, in addition to it can only handle a few small things, nothing major. I didn’t want to go over the summer, because there is no air conditioner, in addition to I felt that would be a angry experience. Imagine months worth of 90 degree afternoons with no source of cooling down other than jumping in the lake? During the Winter time I could use the old gas furnace in the basement, or the fireplace in the front room, in addition to staying hot would not be an issue. That is what I thought, anyway, although I also was dumb enough to think that it would have a modern, central heating system. This was not the case at all, because the gas furnace in the cottage was fueled with firewood. There was all the heating I could ever want, as long as I chopped enough wood to keep it burning. I will divulge to pitching a fit about the gas furnace situation at first. Then reality settled in, in addition to I realized that I was in the cottage for a while, so I had no option but to cut wood to feed the gas furnace. It was slow going at first, but a few weeks later I can credit that gas furnace with me losing 15 pounds from all the exercise!