As my two girls start to get older, they become more responsible and they make a lot more of their decisions, but I try not to get involved in their personal choices unless it’s entirely needed.
Two weeks ago, I arrived home to find a massive box sitting on our doorstep and I found out that it was for our daughter.
I couldn’t think of anything that our daughter possibly needed that was that large, but she was excited about it when she got back to her house. I asked her what she ordered, and she told me that it was a portable cooling system. I didn’t think I heard her right because a cooling system seemed like a strange appliance for our teenage daughter to be buying. I try not to micromanage what she spends her money on, but it was improper because I had never heard her argue about the temperature before. I asked her why she ordered a portable cooling system and she gave me an even more bizarre answer, and according to her, whenever she had sleepovers with her friends, they were more often than not complaining about the temperature of the house. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with the temperature, but her friends seemed to think the same, and my daughter knew better than to touch the thermostat settings, so she was forced to get creative. This is what led her to buying a portable cooling system. I don’t like that she spent her money on this to please her friends, but I was cheerful that she took the responsibility upon herself and she didn’t change the thermostat settings.