Observing an air conditioner maintenances session as the people I was with and I head into exams week

It had been quite a challenging year.

When the people I was with and I started the year, it was interrupted by the global pandemic, Covid-19.

The two of us had to stop school, or rather take it apartment due to the measures taken by the ministry of health. At first, I missed our friends so much, however I sort of got used to it and I put in more minutes for school as I wanted to take luck of studying from the comfort of our room and pass with flying colors. After a few weeks when the experts were able to come up with a vaccine, the people I was with and I were allowed to go back to school. The two of us will be laying for our exams in about a week… Since the cooling system had not been used for a while, it affected the air quality because I suppose the filters were dirty. The a/c workers from the local air conditioner supplier were called for a/c repairs. The a/c representatives mentioned that to do any repairs, they would have to run comprehensive air conditioner maintenance. The a/c service revealed a series of troubles ranging from worn-out components to dirty filters and even destructiond parts. The local air conditioner supplier came in handy by delivering the required components. The cooling system replacement had happened about 5 years back so the system was still considered a fairly new air conditioner. The school management was gleeful that they did not need to order a new unit from the air conditioner supplier but they had a lot to learn to avoid a repeat of the same. The dealers advised on the importance of a/c care and also gave the principal an a/c care system to help in keeping the unit functioning optimally.


air conditioner service plan