It’s smart to run an media air cleaner if you’re an indoor smoker

I resisted the peer pressure to try cigarettes in school plus university.

  • I was tricked once when a friend of mine assured myself and others that he had these special clove cigarettes that lacked tobacco plus nicotine altogether.

Stupidly, I trusted him on his word plus tried those clove cigarettes plus loved them! I obtained a pack plus blew through half of them before I read the ingredient list plus realized our grave error. Thankfully I was smart enough to throw out the rest of the pack before I got hooked on tobacco. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t thrown away those cigarettes plus kept smoking them until I was craving more from the store. My close friend John was hooked on cigarettes the same year I tried cloves for the first time, however the 2 incidents were completely unrelated. He was at a party plus was trying to impress ladies there when he took a cigarette from a friend plus took a few puffs. After doing this every weekend for a few months straight, he was already buying packs of cigarettes from the gas station to smoke when all of us were on lunch breaks at work. I would shake our head when I thought about how simple it was for him to get hooked. Now he uses an media air cleaner just to collect all of the hour hand smoke to prevent it all from merely filling his condo plus turning it into a cloudy haze of smoke when he puffs indoors. The media air cleaner is an essential unit in his home’s setup.

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