Last year when monsoon season hit us here in the southwest I was not really prepared for it.
And believe me, I suffered big time.
But this year I am ready! This is because I bought a whole home air purification system to go into my central heating and air conditioning system. I had needed a whole home air purification for the monsoon time of the year for a while but as you may know, whole home air purification systems cost a lot of money. So it was a matter of finding a dealership that set up monthly payment plans to be able to purchase the whole home air purification system, which I finally have done. Now that I have my whole home air purification system when the monsoon hits all that bad air quality will not be messing me up with my allergies and I will be able to breathe easy. Last year I had a heck of a time. Even the portable air purification system I have did not help and was no match for the bad air quality that was going on. But the whole home air purification system will be the total and complete answer to win the battle this year. Nothing will be able to stop my home from having clean and great air quality while the rest is absolutely horrid air quality outside. They really should price whole home air purification systems down cheaper than they have them now so more people can afford them. But that’s just business I guess.