When my oral care provider said that I needed a dental crown, I thought I was in big trouble.
- I thought this was going to be a miserable procedure and I wasn’t going to like it.
The dentist told me though that it wasn’t such a big thing. He explained how they do procedures like this all the time and it’s meant for strengthening my tooth and bringing my smile bigger and brighter. I remember when I first went to this dental facility, I mainly liked the place because they had a new UV air purification system. The air quality was impressive and I learned that the UV air purification system they had used HEPA filters. I know how expensive HEPA filters are because I have tried them before and I appreciate how much dirt and debris they pull from the air. They honestly get 99.9% of contaminants that are in the air. Anyway, I figured the procedure couldn’t be too bad because the dentist was confident and I knew I would be comfortable the whole time thanks to the nice HVAC system and UV air purification system. Since most businesses I’ve been to don’t have such a nice air purification system, I knew that I would survive this in one of the best locations around. So I went in for my procedure and fortunately the temperature control settings were great like usual. I was surprised to see an HVAC tech come in though. I asked if there was anything wrong with the HVAC system, but they assured me the guy was there only to check the HVAC to make sure everything was in good working condition. My dental crown procedure went just fine!