My wifey was entirely extreme about farming plus gardening

My wifey always said that when the people I was with and I bought a apartment with a lot of land, she wanted to do a lot of gardening plus farming.

I didn’t suppose how extreme she was until the people I was with and I easily did get a nice rural apartment with about 5 acres. She invested in a tractor so she could plow the land the way she wanted plus she planted all kinds of things adore corn, peppers, tomatoes, raspberries, strawberries, plus more. At the edge of our property, she had a rest built plus she stays there all the time to sell a lot of her produce. She wasn’t selling a lot of stuff in the beginning, however now she always makes a hefty profit because the food is so amazing. A lot of people in the section like to stop by to opening up some organic food. She even planted a bunch of apple trees plus made a whole orchard on our land. She says she can’t wait until those apple trees are producing fruit. One thing that upset me though is the fact that she is always out laboring difficult in the sun. I decided to install a ductless mini split system in her enclosed rest with a bit of insulation plus a nice roof. I also put a couple of solar panels on the roof to power up the heating plus cooling equipment. Now she can stay out there for the length of the afternoon plus suppose perfectly comfortable all the time! I am still always telling her while she’s laboring on her farming plus gardening, that she needs to get into the apartment from time to time to cool down with the A/C. I don’t want her out there collapsing from a heat stroke or anything adore that.

