When we got our son a new hunting crossbow for his birthday, he was so excited.
He wanted to go out there and hunt things, but we told him that he had to respect nature.
He had to consider the food chain and all the animals that really had to hunt for food. We typically just went to the grocery store, but I figured we could get hunting licenses together since we were living in the country now. We had plenty of space on the property to develop targets and so we set up everything. It was our official shooting range and we not only practiced with the crossbows but with our guns as well. Of course we wore the proper ear protection and safety glasses and took special care to only fire towards the targets. A lot of this was during the hot season, so we regularly would go back inside the house for official air conditioning breaks. On some of these overheated days, I don’t know what we would do without our reliable air conditioning system. It’s so important that it works all the way through the warm season too. I don’t want to have the AC system breakdown like it did at my brother’s place one time. He had to pay for emergency repair services and he said that service cost him a small fortune. I don’t want to go through the same thing, so we are always getting our AC system tuned up before the hot season. Anyway, I have a few hunting trips planned with my son coming up and this is both our first time and we both are really excited about it. We’re looking to go deer hunting so that we can make some venison steaks and jerky.