Ever since I began laboring from home, I’ve become aware of my home’s laboring parts.
I know where every creak and odd sound is coming from and I know when the air quality is different! Being at home, I was able to schedule my biannual Heating and Air Conditioning tune ups with ease and I’m super proud of how consistent I was. I hadn’t missed a single Heating and Air Conditioning tune up and I was truly ecstatic with how my home’s Heating and Air Conditioning program was running. I felt care about the air quality had never been better. Then, 1 day, I noticed that my A/C program was running inconsistently. It sounded care about the cooling system would begin running, however after a few minutes it would abruptly stop and there would be a clicking noise. This was something I’d never experienced before, although I was ecstatic that I caught it early enough to contact an Heating and Air Conditioning professional. Unfortunately, it was after normal business minutes and I didn’t know whether I should wait until afternoon or use their emergency telephone number. Their website said that after minutes were for emergencies only, although I didn’t know what an emergency was in the Heating and Air Conditioning industry. Since my new home was still being cooled, I decided it would be great to wait until afternoon. I turned off my A/C program for 30 minutes to let it rest and then restarted it. When it restarted, I noticed that the cooling system wasn’t abruptly stopping or making a clicking noise anymore. This was good news, although I decided to call the Heating and Air Conditioning company in the afternoon as a precaution.