Are your heating bills alarmingly high? It is expected that Wintertide gas and electricity bills will be slightly higher than Fall bills, however they should not rise dramatically from one season to the next. Your yearly energy expenses may be high for a variety of reasons. Lack of insulation, an inefficient thermostat, and heating idea problems are the main causes of sizable heating bills. Homeowners often ignore or disregard insulation problems. Although it plays a pressing role in keeping your current home moderate and your heating bills low, this could be a overpriced omission. You may have inadequate insulation if your current home is older or your insulation has deteriorated over time. You might be able to keep your current home warmer in the Wintertide by adding additional insulation to your walls and attic. Replace your single-paned windows with double-paned ones as well. Also, make sure you cover any gaps in other areas where air can escape. You can significantly reduce your heating bills by doing any of these things. If you have an old thermostat, it might be time to update to a smart or programmable thermostat. Depending on your schedule, these high-tech systems can adjust the heat. If you program it to turn down the heat when you are away and only turn it back on when you get home, you can significantly reduce your heating bills. Last however not least, your heating idea itself may be causing your high energy costs. Your bills could increase significantly if your idea is old or needs repairs or service. It is best to hire professional heating experts if you suspect problems with your system.