I moved into a small apartment recently and it has the type of air conditioners that sit inside of the windows.
It took me a while to get used to this method of air conditioning, but I have to stay that it isn’t too bad. I rarely ever feel like I don’t feel air conditioning, and when I don’t, I use the ceiling fan to help redirect that air towards me. I wasn’t sure what the upkeep for something like this would be, so I researched some tips to help me keep the air conditioners in the best shape that I can. I read that swapping out the air filters regularly would really help the air conditioner not work harder than it needs to. To be completely honest, I didn’t even know that those units had air filters in them and had to check to believe it for myself. They seem pretty lousy compared to the air filters you would replace in an HVAC, but I think I just have to work with what I have. When the air conditioner doesn’t have to work as hard, it uses less electricity which in turns saves you money on your electric bill. I am all about saving money now that I am living on my own. It’s really hard to go from splitting everything to having to pay for everything independently. I know that it will get easier with time, especially as I get acclimated to my new full time job and receive consistent paychecks from that. It will all happen in the right timing.