I was black from head to toe.

I had to go inside the house as well as push the brush into the chimney from the inside of the cabin.

Every Springtime, my husband as well as I go up as well as prepare our beach house to be used; Every one of us spent most of our summer time weekends as well as every day both of us had off work, in our beach house in the mountains, then my husband as well as I care about to fish, as well as both of us passed our care about of fishing as well as hiking down to his children, in the Springtime, both of us were up at the beach house as well as I wanted to disinfect the chimney. Every one of us had a fireplace in the beach house to help keep us moderate on the cool days in early Springtime as well as late summer, however after seeing the signs of squirrels in the cabin, I knew the flue must have been open all Wintertide long. I was ‌using the brush in the chimney when I realized it didn’t go ‌down to the hearth. I had to go inside the house as well as push the brush into the chimney from the inside of the cabin. I got down on the fireplace hearth as well as started pushing the wire brush up into the chimney. My husband had just gotten out that I needed to be careful because there could a lot of dirt up there when the soot came flying down at me. A good layer of soot was all over the hearth as well as the floor, and what didn’t make it onto the floor as well as hearth was in my hair on my skin as well as coated myself and others from the head to toe. I swore this was going to be the last time I cleaned the fireplace chimney! The next time the fireplace chimney needed cleaned, I was going to call 1 of the local professionals.

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