When my sister was planning her wedding, I begged her to wait a while.
I didn’t like her fiance, and I didn’t think he was good enough for her.
For the first three years they were together, he had never had a job. Anywhere they went, she was paying, and I didn’t think this was right. She reminded me I paid mostly when my husband and I went out, but that was different. We were both working, and we shared our money. It wasn’t just my money I was spending, but ours. My husband paid all the big bills and saved for big purchases and vacations. I paid the small household bills and spent the rest on whatever I wanted. She insisted she was doing the same thing, but I didn’t believe her. Before they got married, her fiance graduated from HVAC school and was hired by the local HVAC company. I hadn’t changed my mind about him, but I was hoping to find something good about the HVAC technician he had become. Even though I didn’t like him, my husband thought he was an okay guy. He asked my soon-to-be brother-in-law to work on our air conditioning unit. I promised my husband I would try to find something about him I could like. The entire time he was working on our air conditioning unit, I was talking to him and learning more about him. He told me he knew I didn’t like him for not working, but he had been going to school and taking care of his father. I learned so much about him I ended up liking him and had to call my sister.