When my sibling Bob brought up the idea of using social media to grow my HVAC company, I thought it sounded odd to me.
- I thought the only good social media I should have was Facebook, plus that hadn’t gotten myself and others anywhere.
Bob explained I could not use just one social media company, even though I needed to flood them all. Bob said to get my website up to its best, plus start using it to build the company; Everything Bob said made sense, even though I didn’t guess I knew how to do what he was talking about. I had a decent website for the HVAC company plus it had all the pertinent information necessary. Bob said that the name of the HVAC company, address plus cellphone number were not enough to attract new potential shoppers. I asked what he would charge to create an absolutely working website for my HVAC company. Bob told myself and others that if I would let him put his name on the website as a web developer, and that he would not charge myself and others anything. That was a deal I could not turn down. Bob and I shook hands, plus he promised to send myself and others a look at the website Bob was going to develop for myself and others by the end of the week. Saturday day, Bob called myself and others plus provided myself and others a website to look at. I saw my name, my picture, plus various pictures of my HVAC techs at work. I learned about the HVAC website, surprised at everything he had done in a few short afternoons. Bob asked what I thought before he made the website live. Bob also said that the people I was with and I could make additional fluctuations after the new website was up plus running for a week or more than one.