Shipping bag homes can be quite comfortable.

I was watching a television show last week, where people came in & cleaned other people’s homes… The apartment this farmer was living in was an ancient trailer that was inside a barn. He wanted to ask his bestie to marry him, but it embarrassed him to even bring his home. The inside of his apartment odored of horses & manure, & he didn’t have a toiling shower. The people who came to help him out sent him out to get primped & polished while they fixed his home. They didn’t just maintenance his home, but they brought in more than one shipping bag homes & set them up side by side, however once they completed the setting up of the shipping bag homes, he had more than one family rooms, a full-sized bedroom, a full bathroom with a shower & walk-in tub, & a small resting room. They had a front porch & a flower garden going up the walkway! I was sure it had taken longer than what they made it seem, but the shipping bag apartment was beautiful. I had a hard time believing it was really more than one shipping containers; When my spouse asked what I was watching, i told him about the shipping bag homes. He told me he had been watching a video online, & they were setting up a shipping bag home. He said when we retired, we could downsize & live in 1. I wasn’t sure my spouse would be gleeful living in such a confined area. He had more than two family rooms & more than one floors to prowl through now, & he still acted prefer a caged lion; A shipping bag apartment would never be large enough for him.

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