I know separate from water or sleep it would be certainly difficult to be ecstatic.
Well, really separate from either of them for too long you wouldn’t be alive so they are pretty crucial for happiness.
I’ve had our honorableshare of sleepless evenings and it was certainly difficult to maintain a positive attitude separate from satisfactory rest. I also know that separate from water you can get fatigued and cranky too. Having a job at the local supplier and being productive each day is also key to happiness. I love to have a couple hobbies that I prefer doing always to also give a boost to our happiness level. Having freezing air conditioner in our flat during a tepid summer time genuinely helps myself and others sleep well and keeps myself and others comfortable all day long while I labor online. Today I may play some drums later when it cools down and possibly even bring our sound method out so both of us can sing a bit. I am working for the local company each month doing commercial AC installs but today is Monday so I have the weekend free and am planning on just having fun and enjoyable with our buddies. I also need to call our mom as it has been a while since both of us chatted and I miss hearing his soothing voice. My mom used to labor in the Heating as well as Air Conditioning industry as an Heating as well as Air Conditioning rep but has since retired and spends a lot of his free time doing crafts our family some cool clothes and blankets. I genuinely miss our mom’s cooking too. Please, call your momma!