Imagine arriving home on a hot summer afternoon.
You relax on your sofa and enjoy the cool air being circulated inside by your AC.
Your AC doesn’t turn on and off as it normally does. Instead, your AC runs continuously. The indoor air temperature doesn’t seem to be changing despite the thermostat readings being low. Your energy bills are also skyrocketing. There’s definitely something wrong, but you don’t know why your air conditioner won’t stop. Why does this happen? Many homeowners suffer from AC continuously running. ACs can experience this for a variety of reasons. HVAC professionals can solve the problem, however. Dirt and debris may cover the evaporator coil of an AC that hasn’t been serviced for a long time. Even if you recently serviced the evaporator coil, it may be covered with dirt. It can happen if it’s near a busy restaurant kitchen where it collects a lot of grime. Dirt or debris may clog your air filter. Consequently, your air conditioner may have to run longer if the flow of air is restricted. A faulty thermostat may also be to blame for your air conditioner constantly running. The AC may not know how to turn off when the ideal temperature is reached when your thermostat is faulty. Check if the indoor temperature is below the set point to see if your thermostat is faulty. Your thermostat may need to be replaced if that’s the case. A leaky duct can also make the AC run constantly. Your building’s ductwork can leak if it’s old. Duct leaks may cause indoor cool air to escape. Your AC will keep running if this cool air keeps escaping through the leaks.
indoor air quality