Decided to make healthier choices

I’m sincerely thankful that I finally found the will and commitment to change my lifestyle.

For the majority of my life, I haven’t exactly taken good care of myself. It’s not that I abused myself either. It’s just that I went from sitting inside the commercial Heating and Air Conditioning of the office to then sitting in my recliner with the residential Heating and Air Conditioning equipment entirely working. And the only other thing I was doing was basically just working, feeding my face and watching TV all the time. It was not a healthy lifestyle. So I decided to change all that up once the people I was with and I got quarantined to the central air conditioning of our property 2 years ago. Well really, the first six months of being cooped up inside the quality heating and air of the property was all about watching too much television. Oh and eating all the exhausting stuff I wanted. Quickly though, I was able to see that this was the time to make real and lasting swings. So that’s what I aimed to do. And I started it all off by getting out of the air conditioning for a solid walk or resting inside the air conditioning while I worked hard. Then, I tackled the diet. That was quite challenging; however soon after, I genuinely started seeing crucial results. This motivated me to add ductless Heating and Air Conditioning equipment to the basement and start a gym at my property. These afternoons, I actually prefer going to the gym on my property. It’s motivating to realize that I’m going to prefer great air conditioning while I’m easily working out. That’s turned out to be a much greater motivator than anything else.



energy saving help