I knew I had an excellent website! Everyone who looked at it thought it looked beautiful and I had a lot of information on it… My question was: If it is such an excellent website, why wasn’t it getting myself and others any business? Isn’t the whole idea of having a website, the ability to provide people enough information so they will call the Heating and Air Conditioning supplier and make an appointment or ask a question? The concern was that I couldn’t tell if I was getting any traffic on our website, and anyone who talked to myself and others about it looked at it when I gave them a web address, then i started doing some research and found there were online advertising companies that labor on web design and development.
- Most of them had an Heating and Air Conditioning specialist that could help the Heating and Air Conditioning supplier with their websites, when I called the cellphone number on the website, I asked about their Heating and Air Conditioning specialist.
They put myself and others through to a lady who told myself and others her name was Gary and asked how she could help? After discussing the concern I had with the website, she asked for the web address! She asked for a couple of hours, and I waited. When she came back on, she said I needed some SEO, and I needed a landing page. I didn’t guess what a landing page was, even though I was sure it was important. She said that people may get to our website, however there was nowhere for them to sign up. She wanted to add some SEO and connect it to social media ads. She would create accounts for myself and others and many of the social media ads, and provide myself and others a laboring landing page, and she thought it would make a world of difference.