It was a scene straight from a movie. I was recently involved in an accident and suffered a head injury. I was in the hospital for three weeks. Doctors then diagnosed me with amnesia. I had short-term memory loss, and there was a chance I would regain it, but there was no specific timeline of when that would happen. I worked at a renowned air conditioning business as an air conditioning expert. I knew more about air conditioning than any other topic. I was coming from a friend’s meeting when a truck ran into me. When I woke up and understood what was happening, I had no choice but to work at relearning my passion. Once I got better, I would take up more work orders offsite to familiarise myself with the cooling products and indoor air cleaning systems. The first day back to work was emotional. I tried recalling how to change an air filter but couldn’t. For the rest of the day, I studied various air conditioning installs from a manual. I hoped that when it came to the technical bit, muscle memory would save the day. My fellow cooling techs and I designed the manual to help a junior cooling workman have a reference point for the procedures. In the next few weeks, I could accompany the rest on jobs such as air conditioner tune-up in assisting capacity. Before that month’s end, I knew all about air conditioning services. I also led an air conditioning repair at a particular residential building. It took me a few more weeks to grasp all the cooling products I knew before the accident. I may not be able to handle an HVAC unit like I used to, but I can advise homeowners on which quality air conditioner best suits their homes.