Clip my Cat’s Toenails or Get the Local Business to Do It?

I’ve never clipped the nails of a cat but I think it could be a little tricky, seeing that they have 20 razor blades on the end of four very fast paws.

I had my one cat grab my hand while I tossed it off of me onto the floor and it sliced through my skin on the back of my wrist without me feeling a thing.

Their claws are as sharp as a razor blade and can slice through skin like a sharp knife through the skin of a cooked potato. This local business where my HVAC tech friend takes his cat will clip their nails for a small fee and save you from getting ripped up also. I think maybe that is the better option and it is also good to help the local businesses who can help you. We are all trying to make it in this little town where I live and the more we help each other the easier it will be for us all. The heating and cooling supplier helps people all the time with really deep discounts on heating supplies and equipment in the middle of winter. He does the same thing in the summer with the sales on all of the equipment then too. If you really need a heating or cooling device or component, it is nice to know you can go to him without getting ripped off. He is actually cheaper than ordering from Amazon, which is great because you don’t have to wait at home for your HVAC device to arrive.


air conditioning business