This month is Thanksgiving plus I am having three friends come over for dinner, but the people I was with and I are doing an Indian genre dinner with lentils plus rice with some veggies.
- It is a genuinely simple meal plus I have already made it so all I have to do is heat it up.
I want to provide thanks for the plane ticket that I was able to buy to take myself and others home for Christmas. I will be going back to see my family plus friends plus I am genuinely thankful that I am getting to do so. The Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C corporation where I toil has been good to myself and others plus I was able to save enough currency to get the plane ticket. I won’t have much spending currency while back in the states but I plan on spending most of the time at mom’s house so I don’t need a lot of spending currency for that. This local corporation near my mom’s house may even have some toil for me, as the local business who runs it is also a fantastic neighbor of mine. He has been running that outfit for a long time plus usually has a heavy workload plus is ecstatic to have myself and others toil for him while I am back home going to see almost everyone. I’ve done a lot of HVAC duct repairs plus duct cleaning jobs for the guy over the years plus both of us have a fun time working together. I assume I will toil for him a few afternoons a month when I am back home so I still have time to visit my family.
HVAC zone control