I'm thankful for the ductless heat pumps

It’s so funny how totally into getting a mortgage I was while I was renting, but now that I’m in the area of a homeownership plan, I see why; however, it just feels so much better to begin building equity instead of just paying the rent. And I hated paying rent for inferior heating and cooling with loud neighbors; but so I was nearly obsessed with saving for a downpayment… But putting currency together for a down payment was a real challenge; however first, I’m in a public repair work that doesn’t pay a great deal of currency. Secondly, the more I save toward a house, the more the prices seem to explode. It was maddening because I felt appreciated. I was constantly chasing our tail when it came to condo ownership. But after that we were approached by one of our colleagues and her fiance, but they were looking to put together a group of people who would buy a large condo together. I was absolutely interested so we took a meeting with a lawyer to understand how to protect all of our interests; and once that was worked out, we found the perfect condo in a large three story home, and each story could be its own living space and we would share a official dining room, then my great friend and I were able to pool our currency for the down payment and the renovations that were needed. Instead of simply replacing the central air conditioner, we chose to use ductless heat pumps on each floor. This way we all had our own temperature controls and could track our energy use when it came to heating and cooling separately. It’s also easily worked out great and I easily do love having a mortgage.

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