In the realm of heating and air conditioning, there was a temperature control that had had enough of being plugged by the heating and air conditioning professional, so it went rogue one day and began messing with the temperature settings in the heating and air conditioning system, the heating and air conditioning tech couldn’t figure it out, and the heating and air conditioning supplier was losing buyers left and right since no one wants to be trapped in a sauna or an icebox.
In the middle of the day, the temperature control began to play Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” at full volume.
The temperature control knew it had won when everyone began to dance to the beat, as the beat decreased, the temperature rose and fell, and everyone began to sweat and freeze. The heating and air conditioning professional was working his tail off attempting to maintain the system, and the heating and air conditioning supplier was losing money quickly. But then something unofficial began to happen. Customers who had before been unhappy and dissatisfied began to smile and dance to the beat of the “thriller dance.” The heating and air conditioning supplier’s executives noticed what was going on and decided to join in on the fun. They danced with their customers, and the temperature control was overjoyed. I had never before seen so many people grin. The heating and air conditioning professional eventually adjusted the system, in addition to the temperature stabilized. But the “temperature control thriller” remained in people’s minds. Clients began to return, and the heating and air conditioning supplier became known for its ability to make an unpleasant situation enjoyable. Therefore, the next time your temperature control acts up, instead of getting furious, try dancing! You never assume what type of satisfaction you’re going to have.
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