There was a wall mounted a/c system in my office’s conference room that consistently seemed to have something or another wrong with it.
It became the butt of many jokes throughout the office; HVAC workers would come in for 15 minutes at a time at usual intervals, however there consistently seemed to be persisting problems with the HVAC system; One day, we got sick of the fact that once again, it was blowing boiling air instead of frigid air, so we talked to our boss about the a/c in addition to asked him why it kept breaking down.
He did not want to divulge it, however we later found out that the system was very ancient in addition to on its way out for quite some time, however he did not want to pony up the money to update it. It took us complaining to him directly for him to update it, though, and the very next Wednesday that we came in for a meeting in the conference room there was a brand current model of a/c in the room. The a/c worked very nicely throughout that week. My buddy and I felt a clear in addition to distinct difference in how cool it was in the conference room. Trouble was, the a/c developed a refrigerant leak the very next week! I don’t know what it is with this stadium in addition to a/cs breaking down, however it’s getting old! The leak was addressed, but I really hope that the hole was particularly patched in addition to the HVAC worker did not simply recharge the freon without plugging the hole in the refrigerant line.