Last cooling system story

I will finish this article and be done for the day with my writing.

After I finish this I will chill for a bit with my cats and then do an hour meditation session with my flatmate, followed by a 20 minute yoga session and then a nap for an hour or so before heading out to play music in the street.

We will play at this church later where there are a lot of tourists and my friend and I will make some money in the process, which is an added plus to doing something so fun. I work tomorrow for the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C contractor and then I am going to come apartment and clean my boiler filter and be done with that for another six months. It is almost May now and my friend and I will be entering the overheated months for the next four months or so till the temps start to drop and winter season comes back again, but i’ll clean my HEPA filter later this week and get the air conditioning system ready to roll and keep us cool for the coming overheated Summer afternoons. I ran it last evening for the first time this year and it felt great to sleep in a cool room as the temps are starting to creep up to the overheated zone at evening. My room is small so having some climate control in the Summer is a must, and even now I am finding I have to use it even though it is not even Summer yet. I will just run it at evening though because our flat is cool most of the day.
