There is nowhere out there on the farm that has AC at all

Working on the farm is strenuous without AC during the summer, that’s for sure. We care about the work at this little family owned farm, however it’s not the easiest task that we have ever had, that is for sure. It’s truly strenuous because we get extremely hot temperatures around here during this summer. If you have ever worked outside on a farm during the summer, then you know how dusty, dirty and boiling it can be. Of course, there is nowhere out there on the farm that has AC at all, so we are boiling from the time that the sunlight comes up until we get finished with work at the end of the day. You have no idea how gleeful we are to get into our truck and turn the air conditioning on full blast at the end of the day. We thought about quitting the farm this year because we are already dreading the boiling Summer hot temperatures that are going to happen during the Summer months. We just can’t bring ourselves to quit for some reason, though. We think there’s just something about working outside with the land that we enjoy. Both of us would much rather do that than work in an office someplace at a desk. Even though the office would have central air conditioning, we would still cherish being outside in the fresh air. Last winter, the cold temperatures nearly got to us, though. It’s one thing to be boiling during the Summer with no AC, however it’s a whole different thing when you’re cold outside during the winter

