My husband and I have been on the hunt for a new home for the last couple of months.
We saw a few we liked but there was consistently a thing here and there we didn’t like about the home, and there were a few things we couldn’t agree on and that is what kept us from getting a house.
Like he wanted a home that has more of an open concept where I like everything to have its own room and I don’t want to stare across the kitchen right into the bathroom or bedroom. Then there was the debate over the Heating and Air Conditioning system. I wanted a more traditional gas boiler with a possible fireplace in the home like how I grew up with. He wanted a more modernized electric heater and to get away from the mornings of a gas system. He had many horrible memories as a child and I guess in a way somehow the gas boiler or whatever has traumatized him. I know I don’t talk about it with him because there seems to be some terror from the conversation, so I let it go. The only issue is that I truly don’t want an electric heater, and when it comes to getting our home this has been the major thing that has stopped us from getting one. It might be getting to the point that I have to understand that I’m not going to get what I like in this situation, but maybe if I give this then we can get something I like later on.