The orange turf festival that we went to a couple of weeks ago ended up being definitely hot.
I was aggravated because it was just a little bit too overheated for me! I don’t usually do well when the temperature outside gets too overheated because I definitely dislike getting overheated and covered in sweat.
I don’t like it usually whenever the weather is anywhere over about 69 degrees. I usually get mad and irritable and I have to find some air conditioning anywhere so that I can start cooling down. I also always have a cooling towel in my wallet or in my backpack just in case I need it. I don’t know if all the people are like this although I personally can’t sit it outside for more than a few minutes at a time if it’s too overheated out. I just dislike it during the summertime when the temperature is too hot. That’s why I didn’t really care about myself too much at the orange turf festival. I thought that the weather was going to be a lot cooler than it actually ended up being. I noticed on the first day that the weather was definitely heating up and the sun was shining like crazy. Usually it’s not all that overheated during the orange turf festival although I think global warming is definitely happening in some venues around the world, anyway, I had my cooling towel with me however some of the time I couldn’t even sit it out there with that on my neck! I ended up having to go and stand out in my truck a few times because it actually got way too hot for me on certain days.