They weren’t ready to purchase a new AC

Last year, there was a much, much strange vibe in Ann and Ben’s lake house as they headed into the toughest part of their year when it comes to the climate.

Dealing with sixteen weeks of high heat and humidity is okay with them as long as they get the other 8 months.

It’s the rest of the year without AC that keeps them right where they are. Ann and Ben tried living up north where you must crank an oil furnace for heating. They are talking just to make it through and not freeze to death in your lake house. It didn’t work out for them, not so shockingly they might add. So at their earliest convenience, they boogied their way right back to the southern climate that keeps the AC quiet in the Winter. But last Summer at this time, they had issues at home and one that would last all Summer. When Ann and Ben had the spring AC tune up done, the Heating and Air Conditioning professional informed them that they might not make it through the Summer. Their heat pump had come to the end of its effectiveness after more than 24 years. While that wasn’t exactly news, they weren’t ready to buy a new AC either. So that meant Ann and Ben had to try and get through one more Summer. Along with the anxiety came measures to lower the load on the AC. Well apparently, they were successful and managed to upgrade the AC just this past February. The two of them are sliding into this heat season excited to have the new AC and thrilled to be rid of the old cooling unit anxiety.
dial thermostat