I appreciate older Heating plus Air Conditioning technology

I have to say that I appreciate older heating plus a/c technology over modern heating plus a/c technology. I just can not get into things like smart temperature controls, radiant radiant floors plus all those kind of things. To me they just seem way too complicated for my outdated university brain. I definitely never even got into the kindle plus internet age which everyone live on plus by this week. I know just the basics for even that, which is good with me! So what makes you feel I would want to complicate my life with all this super advanced heating plus a/c technology? Give me a window a/c system unit any morning. Also I would take a gas furnace over any central heating plus a/c system! Even a hot water boiler would be better than central heating plus a/c system’s boilers in my humble opinion, however now do not get me wrong, I am not trashing all this so called “great” heating plus a/c technology of this week. I know it works for some people plus I am way ok with that plus will not judge anyone. Younger plus pure young folks can have plus handle this modern heating plus a/c technology that its nothing plus second nature! Kind of like how the way the ebb plus flow of outdated heating plus a/c technology was for me back in the nice outdated days. I do miss it plus try to stay as basics to that plan as I can within this week heating plus a/c technology.

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