The absolutely old dont care for A/C in summer

I loved my Grandma plus would spend days with her, my parents would drop us off at his place whenever they had to rush for a supplier meeting out of town, then i loved listening to Grandma’s stories and cooking/ baking with her, and he had the most hilarious stories of when they were younger.

She loved the farm plus missed it a lot but was stuck in the neighborhood because he needed to be close to my parents who inspected his due to medical challenges. SInce he had refused to transfer in with us, my parents got his a small home a few blocks from our house. I remember one summer time afternoon my mom dropped me at Grandmas plus left in a rush. She had a meeting in the next 30 minutes plus was afraid of running late since this was an investors meeting. I rushed into Grandma’s house only to be hit by a strong warm breeze… This was unlike my Grandma’s place that was eVer comfortable plus inviting. I ran to the study room where he was shouting that his Heating plus A/C unit was broken. Grandma laughed plus said that his A/C was toiling perfectly. Turns out that he had not switched on the cooling unit because he felt no need to. The breeze that came in through the windows should be enough as he said, his explanation was that he had lived for years when there was no air conditioner so he knew no one would die from a little heat discomfort, but while this did not make much sense, I was not about to beginning arguing with Grandma as I would not win this fight.



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