I got a phone call from the local home center last week. They gave me my name and address and told me I had won a prize in their raffle. I had won a brand new air conditioning unit, and all I had to do was come to the home center and pick out my new air conditioner. I needed a new AC unit in my bedroom, and I was immediately wondering what size AC unit I needed. My dad and mom came over, and dad checked the BTU’s. The next day, he took me to the home center to pick out my AC unit. When we got there, I gave the man my raffle ticket and he called the manager. The manager came out to show me my new air conditioner. I told him I was to pick out the air conditioner I wanted. He agreed and showed me three different models. Dad spoke up and told him that wasn’t how it sounded. He thought I should be able to choose my air conditioner, and not just choose between their choices. The man apologized for the misconception, but said it wasn’t done on purpose. Dad asked if we could trade it in for the bigger air conditioning unit I needed. He said he would take the price of their chosen AC unit, and take it off the price of the AC unit I chose. I still couldn’t afford the bigger air conditioner. I took the smaller AC unit home, hoping I would get some comfort out of the smaller AC unit, but seriously doubting it.