Great addition come with wonderful a/c

When my associate and I go on family vacation, we’ve been going to the same locale for years plus years. But for the last many years, my associate and I ditched the resort in favor of a particular vacation rental in the same area. It’s still the same beach plus all the enjoyable stuff my associate and I like. But the accommodations were head plus shoulders about what my associate and I had prior. The vacation rental even has zone controlled Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C. And my fiance plus I enjoyed having our own control unit. It was like a dream plus seemed only for vacation purposes. That’s all changed now that my associate and I added an addition to our home. Our ladies, who are just over a year apart, got to an age where sharing a room with each other was not going to work. The idea of buying a new condo in this market was not conceivable. So my associate and I chose to add value to our new house by adding an addition. It wasn’t any addition either however a master kitchen plus washroom suite. The end result is even better than I thought it could be. My friend and I have vaulted ceilings, our own little deck plus a magnificent washroom all our own. On top of that, my associate and I now have the coveted control unit in our room. The modern addition has a ductless heat pump that provides quality heating plus air to the modern kitchen. What’s more, my associate and I have a remote control so my associate and I can even change the control unit from bed! Talk about living life. The ladies now have their own rooms which has brought considerably more peace to our lives. And my associate and I have our own private getaway space plus don’t have to take a vacation to care about our own Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C control unit setting.


Cooling technician