The party was a nice way to say thank you

My boss is a pretty good guy.

I’m sure that’s why he has been in business for more than 20 years.

The guy started a heating and AC business in his garage and now the company has more than 50 different employees and three business locations. I was lucky to get a job working for the guy, but he wasn’t impressed with my resume and my ability to handle commercial and residential repairs. I have been with the company for 2 years. My boss always finds a way to say thank you when we go above and beyond what is expected. I had to work on the weekend and I even picked up a Saturday shift that no one else wanted. My boss gave me a bonus in my paycheck that was equal to a whole day of work. It was a huge surprise and totally unexpected. The boss threw a party for everyone in the office too, and it was also completely and totally unexpected. The boss called a local catering company and the company brought food to the heating and AC business and we all got to eat for free. At the end of the luncheon and party, each one of us was issued a bonus check. The order of the company said that the last quarter was the busiest 4 months that the business has ever seen and he wanted to reward everyone for our hard work. Inside of my envelope was a check for $250. I’m not sure what everyone received, but I was happy with my check.

dual fuel system