The sound of thunder made me get off the roof

It wasn’t supposed to rain on Tuesday, which is why I decided to schedule the rooftop A/C repair for that morning.

My commercial buyer wanted the work done on Thursday, but the forecast was for rain.

It poured down rain very hard on Thursday, so I was glad that I did not drive all the way out to the commercial work site. Tuesday morning when I woke up, I looked at the forecast. The weatherman said it was going to be partly cloudy with zero option of rain. It looks like there was more of a option of rain to me than that, but I’m not a weather person. I contacted the commercial buyer to let her know that I was on the way to her business. It took about 45 minutes to get to the address which is just on the outside of town. The person owns a dry cleaning business and there was no A/C at all. The system is located on the roof. The roof is outdated and there is metal up there. It’s the last place you want to be in a rainstorm where thunder and lightning are expected. I had all of my supplies on the roof when the thunder started. The sound of thunder made me get down and off of the roof. I wanted to help the commercial repair buyer with the A/C problem, however I did not want to get struck by lightning. I told her that my great friend and I would have to wait again until the weather was clear.


heating and cooling equipment