There was no entrance into the boiler room.

My dad called the homeowner, plus asked what happened is something happened to the heater

I had just moved into my new apartment, plus I was so blissful to finally beyond my own; For 22 years I lived with my parents, but now I was graduated from school plus had a wonderful task, and i knew it was time to have an apartment of my own, and my apartment turned out to be half of the double home. It was beautifully decorated, plus the apartment was completely furnished, except for the big study room, but all I had to do was bring my study room furniture plus I was home. My father came to look at the apartment, plus the first thing he start looking for was the heater, however he knew there was a boiler plus air conditioner unit, because it found the AC unit plus the thermostat, when he could not find was the heater. I showed in the door that led into the basement, but that didn’t get them anywhere. What he found out was that the boiler was shared by both sides of the house, which made sense because I didn’t have to spend money for heat; The problem was that since there was no way to get to the heater, what happened if my friend and I needed work done. My dad called the homeowner, plus asked what happened is something happened to the heater. He said the door to the boiler room was part of the other tenants property. If something happened to the boiler my friend and I would have to wait until they reported it to him plus he was able to come to their apartment with the Heating and A/C worker plus have it repaired. The only thing dad had to say, was asking me if I had signed a lease.


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