Yesterday I was startled awake by a strange noise in my Heating & A/C vent & it took me many minutes to figure out what I was hearing.
Initially, I thought that maybe an outdated sock or something had gotten into the vent & was flapping around.
Then, after a bit, I realize that the sound must be some kind of an pet, perhaps a pigeon, that had gotten stuck into the ductwork, but after that my nice friend and I heard a squeaking sound, almost like a mouse makes, & after that my nice friend and I realized it must be a bat that was in my Heating & A/C vent system. I did not sleep anymore that night. After a while, the fluttering calm down however it did not go away entirely. I called up pet control however they commanded I call a pest repair instead. The pest repair came out & they set up traps to get the bats out of my attic & relocate them. Evidently, my attic was infested with bats. They also took apart my entire ventilation system & it removed some of the bats; Finally, the bats were all gone & I had to hire an Heating & A/C supplier to come & repair the vents that the bats head been in. I also wanted a thorough ductwork cleaning as I was anxious that I had been breathing all of that bat guano for months on end. I also hired a professional cleaner to scrub up my attic. It cost me a lot of money for everything to be cleaned & the bets to be rehomed like they were however now my attic is sealed off & it shouldn’t happen ever again. What a nightmare this was.