Power outage makes air conditioning stop working

A giant thunderstorm came through last night and knocked our power out. Since it was late at night I didn’t worry too much about it. Instead, I just sat up learning my e-reader for about an hour after that I went to bed early. A few hours later I was woken up when the power came back on and a light turned on in the house. Not a giant deal. I thought I would be able to go right back to sleep. Not! I found that I was tossing and turning a lot but I just could not get comfortable. I felt honestly moderate so I got up again and checked the thermostat. It was set to 73 degrees. However, the thermostat read 73 degrees. I assumed that it was because the power had been out for a few hours. I tried to go back to sleep by telling myself that it would cool down soon. I still couldn’t sleep. Then I noticed that the air conditioning wasn’t even blowing air. It should be if it is trying to cool down the house. I got up again and messed with the thermostat. Still, nothing happened. I knew I wasn’t going to get anymore sleep that night. The temperature in the apartment kept climbing and it was only 2 hours before my alarm was set to go off. I decided to call in sick to work. I can’t toil with only 3 hours of sleep. Besides, I honestly need to stay house so that the Heating and Air Conditioning contractor can fix the air conditioning. I imagine it is just a blown fuse or something like that. Whatever it is, it needs to be fixed ASAP so I can sleep tonight and go into toil tomorrow.

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