I needed to find a way to heat my bathroom

My wife plus I have lived in the same household for over twenty-five years, plus I cherish my home.

The longer that I live here though the more I find wrong with it.

Whoever built our household did some odd things. I do not know if it was to save currency, time, or effort but it tends to be quite annoying. My nice friend and I discovered that several of our outlets were not put in the right way which is not a big deal, but it took my wife several hours to go through plus change them all. I also found that the floor in the home office is not level whatsoever. If I put any kind of spherical decoration on the table, it rolls off. By far, the most bothering thing that my friend and I have dealt with through the years is that the upstairs bathroom does not have any heat running to it. It is constantly chilly in that bathroom, plus it is the bathroom closet to our home office. Neither of us want to walk downstairs to go to the restroom in the middle of the evening, but having to lay on a chilly chilly toilet in the middle of the evening is not much fun either, then during the winter season months, the upstairs bathroom gets as chilly as the outside if my friend and I do not put any type of furnace in the bathroom. My nice friend and I have a small space furnace that my friend and I put in there, but it is still not genuinely warm; although it keeps the bathroom above chilly. My wife is trying to find a way to run the heat from the furnace into the bathroom. Who knows why the builders did not run heat into the bathroom, but I sure hope my friend and I can figure out a way to get some heat there soon.
new air conditioning