Author: Alan

Surviving the recession as a heating company

With the pandemic and the war between the two European countries, the financial analyst predicted a recession. The heating industry has been grappling with challenges since the pandemic. As a heating company, my board of directors and employees were looking for ways to stay afloat. Inflation has been on the rise since, making businesses almost […]

A friend in need of new heating equipment

Lincoln is a good friend of mine, and he also is my neighbor. Whenever we are not at work, we spend time together catching up. We recently watched a football match at his home, and I realized that his house was cold. After I asked him about it, he told me it had been like […]

How to save energy with your heat pump installation

As the years go by, we see more options for whole-home heating systems emerge. Some may initially come at a high price, but they pay for themselves by saving on energy costs. During the pandemic, most businesses suffered a lot, and those lucky to survive that period, especially during the lockdown, picked up. Now we […]

This is my time of year when it comes to the HVAC

It’s so great not to dread this time of year any longer. When we lived up north, at least Christmas was a bit of a distraction from all the cold. But once we passed the holiday season, the snow, ice and brutally low temperatures could not be ignored. Thankfully, the house we lived in had […]