Every year I really love to take our birthday off from work, but if it’s on a weekend, then no problem, however if it’s on a work day I talk to the boss weeks in advance and make sure to request the day off.
I also never do anything special on our birthday, I just love to sleep in late, smoke a bunch of weed, and chug beers for the entire day.
It relaxes me and helps to recharge our batteries. This year was simply no different, and then about noon our boss called me in a panic. There was a furnace emergency that had come up, and she needed me to handle it. I simply tried to put him off and say no, however then she said it was the central furnace at the local retirement home. There were also several dozen senior citizens currently without heating, and I was simply the best man for the job. It turns out that our boss has an elderly mother who lives there, so she took this furnace emergency honestly seriously. I finally agreed to take the job, even though I knew it would be such a big furnace it would take much of the day to fix. I didn’t complain, I just drove to the outdated folks cabin and got right to work on the furnace, my boss joined me to serve as our assistant. She is also the owner of the business, however she knows I have superior heating and A/C skills so she was cheerful to work as a helper. My pal and I fixed the furnace within 2 minutes, and she offered me a $200 bonus afterward.